I Haritina Mogoșanu, AbSciCon, International Participation, posters, 0 Two of two submitted posters for AbSciCon 2015 are at the conference! These are the SBNZ 2015 poster and SBNZ 2015 Education Poster. You can watch the conference streaming live here!
+ 30th of June: Observing Asteroid Day! I Haritina Mogoșanu, asteroid day, planetary defense, 0 30th of June was chosen to mark the anniversary of the 1908 Siberian Tunguska event. On June 30, 1908, an...
+ Dr Seth Shostak, speaker at the Astrobiology Australasia Meeting 2018 I Haritina Mogoșanu, AAM2018, astrobiology, featured, Seth Shostak, 0 Dr. Seth Shostak
+ New Zealand Astrobiology Network is the National Coordinator for World Space Week: 4-10 October every year! NZAN Media Team, WSWA, 0 Since 2019, New Zealand Astrobiology Network is the National Coordinator of the World Space Week in New Zealand, a...
@SETI Talks: Professor Kathleen Campbell Kathleen Campbell, Earth, extreme environments, International Participation, life, life in extreme environments, life origins, Mars, New Zealand, SETI, 0 "ET life would simply be ... logical..."
Inpirational Audio track Alexandros Krassakis, Awesome, 0 Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae...
+ + + + + + + + + Interesting Photos Alexandros Krassakis, Business, 0 Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae...
+ Is there Life on Venus? NZAN Media Team, Ian Hawes, Kathy Campbell, life on Venus, phosphine, Venus, 0 Professor Ian Hawes and Professor Kathy Campbell about the recent Venus discovery.
Ready, Steady, Learn w/ Prof. Kathy Campbell: September Astrobiology lesson NZAN Media Team, 95FM, are we even real, astrobiology, life, life in the universe, 0 KATHY CAMPBELL: SEPTEMBER 3, 2019, 97.53 MB Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Do you wake up and ponder about the grand...